Many individuals are inquiring about and researching arthrocentesis. Arthrocentesis is a medical procedure aimed at treating jaw disorders by removing fluid from the joint space.

This procedure is performed to alleviate pain associated with the jaw joint by draining excess fluid. Arthrocentesis prices vary depending on the treatment's scope. Additionally, we'll discuss the indications for arthrocentesis in this content.

Arthrocentesis (Joint Lavage) Treatment Details

Artrosentez Ne Demek
Artrosentez Ne Demek

Arthrocentesis, what is it, and how is it performed? Details on this topic are as follows:

Joint lavage treatment is a simple procedure lasting about 40 minutes, performed under local anesthesia without the need for general anesthesia. The stages of treatment are:

  1. Local anesthesia is applied before starting the procedure.
  2. Entry is made into the jaw bone using two needles in the front area of the ear.
  3. The first needle administers sterile serum to the area; the second needle extracts sterile serum and fluid from the jaw.
  4. Lubricating hyaluronic acid may be injected into the area if necessary, facilitating jaw movements.

NOTE: Feeling some pain for a few hours after the procedure is normal. Painkillers prescribed by the dentist can alleviate this.

How Are Jaw Joint Disorders Recognized?


Recognizing jaw joint disorders is important concerning what arthrocentesis is.

Jaw joint disorders, also known as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, mainly manifest as severe pain in the region. Symptoms may include:

  • Head, neck, and back pain
  • Bruxism (teeth clenching or grinding)
  • Locking of the jaw when opening or closing
  • Difficulty speaking
  • Morning stiffness and pain in the jaw
  • Feeling pain in the jaw during chewing or yawning
  • Clicking or popping sounds in the jaw when opening and closing
  • Jaw pain

Contact our clinic for diagnosis and treatment.

The Importance of Night Guard Use After Joint Lavage

A night guard is essential to alleviate tooth-jaw pain and prevent tooth wear and fractures, especially for individuals with bruxism at night. After arthrocentesis, using a night guard is recommended to alleviate pain.

What are the Indications for Arthrocentesis?

Artrosentez Yan Etkileri
Artrosentez Yan Etkileri

Arthrocentesis refers to treatments performed on the jaw joint for various purposes. Indications for arthrocentesis include:

  • Procedures vary depending on the jaw joint's condition.
  • Local anesthesia is applied to the jaw area.
  • Entry into the jaw bone is made with two needles.
  • The first needle administers sterile serum; the second extracts it.
  • Lubricating agents are applied to the jaw before completing the procedure.

What Are the Side Effects of Arthrocentesis?

Side effects may include pain for a few hours, swelling or bruising in the jaw, and slight bleeding inside the mouth. Painkillers can help alleviate these effects.

Is Arthrocentesis a Painful Procedure?

Arthrocentesis is performed under local anesthesia, so the patient does not feel pain during the procedure. Some pressure may be felt, but it does not cause pain.

Post-Arthrocentesis Care

  • Adhere to the prescribed medication and treatment program.
  • Consume soft foods for one to two days after the operation.
  • Use painkillers under a doctor's supervision if necessary.
  • Contact your physician in case of any unexpected situations.

Arthrocentesis Prices 2024

  • Unilateral arthrocentesis fee: 55 £.
  • Prices may vary depending on the clinic and treatment scope.

For detailed information, contact our clinic.