Cupping therapy, also known as hijamah, is a traditional treatment method. The main purpose of this treatment is to expel the dirty blood in the body with the vacuuming technique and thus help the person's health to improve. Cupping, which absorbs toxins in the blood and allows them to be expelled from the body, is a treatment technique applied by experts for centuries in China and Middle Eastern countries, especially in Turkey.

Cupping is widely practiced in places that do not have clinical status. However, it is extremely important that it is carried out in sterile and reliable environments such as hospitals or certified clinics in order not to cause any complications afterward. Cupping treatment is also performed by experts in our clinic in Izmir.

What Is Cupping Therapy?

Cupping (hijamah) is a traditional treatment method that allows the removal of dirty blood from the body with the help of vacuums and is beneficial to the health of the individual. Thanks to this procedure, dirty blood is removed from certain areas on the skin and the physical and mental health of the individual improves. This process, which is performed with the help of a special cupping glass, has been practiced in many different geographies, including our country, for centuries and it continues to be practiced today.

Cupping therapy is not a treatment practice that can be applied to every part of the individual's body. Although it is mostly implemented in the back area, it can also be applied to different parts based on the health status and needs of the individual.

How Is Cupping Therapy Performed?

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cupping therapy İzmir

Cupping therapy, which allows the cleaning of dirty blood by making small incisions at certain points of the body and thus improving health, is applied as follows;

  • Preparation: First of all, the necessary materials are provided for the cupping procedure. These materials include cupping glass, alcohol or antiseptic solution, cotton, sterile needles, dressing materials, and a vacuum pump.
  • Cleaning the area: After the materials have been prepared, the area which the cupping will be applied to is cleaned with alcohol or another antiseptic solution.
  • Vacuum: After the area is sterilized, the cupping glass is placed on the skin and the air remaining inside is vacuumed. This expands the blood vessels on the skin, and draws the blood towards the skin's surface.
  • Incision: The vacuumed cupping glass is left on the skin for a few minutes and then removed. Small incisions are made in the designated areas with the help of a sterile needle or scalpel. Dirty blood flows out through these cuts. In order to expel more blood, the vacuum process is performed again. After the blood flow stops, the cup in which the dirty blood accumulates is removed and the treatment is completed by cleaning the area.

Suction cup therapy takes an average of 30 minutes. The crucial point here is that cupping treatment is applied by a specialist. It is necessary to create a hygienic and sterile environment and make sure that the materials used in the treatment are sterile as well. The person to be treated should be informed about the procedure in detail. Individuals with health problems should explain their condition to the specialist before the treatment begins.

What Are The Benefits Of Cupping Therapy?

We can list the cupping therapy benefits as follows;

  • Reduces muscle tension and relieves pain.
  • Accelerates blood circulation.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • It has a protective effect against diseases.
  • It expels dirty blood from the body.
  • It calms the person. It can relieve insomnia problems.
  • It is good for skin problems.
  • It helps to regenerate tissues.
  • It relieves migraine pain.
  • It has a positive effect on the digestive and circulatory system.
  • It brings vitality to the body and makes the person look younger and more vigorous.

People who would like to turn to alternative treatment methods such as cupping for their health issues should first consult a specialist. You can get detailed information about cupping therapy in İzmir from our clinic. The experts in the clinic will apply the right treatment method for you.

You can also check out the ozone therapy among our services.

What Are The Side Effects Of Cupping Therapy?

In addition to the benefits of cupping, there are also a few side effects. Some of them occur in the body after cupping, especially when it's done in the home environment. We can list these effects as follows;

  • Stain formation on the skin
  • Redness
  • Irritation
  • Bruising
  • Burn appearance
  • Infection (if cupping is performed in a non-sterile environment)

Which Illnesses Is Cupping Therapy Good For?

cupping therapy
cupping therapy

Cupping can help relieve insomnia, depression, back pain, neck and shoulder pain, migraine, irritability, high blood pressure, rheumatic diseases, fatigue, menstrual pains, inflammation and/or edema, digestive problems, and similar ailments.

Be Careful: Cupping Therapy Is Not For Everyone

In some cases, cupping may not be an appropriate treatment option. It is not recommended in the following cases;

  • Women during pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • For pacemaker users
  • For menstruating women
  • Over 70 years of age and with chronic heart disease
  • Newly operated individuals
  • Those with advanced anemia problems
  • Patients with renal failure
  • Cancer patients
  • Individuals with blood clotting problems

Things To Do Before-After Cupping

There are some points that people who will have cupping should pay attention to before and after the treatment.

Before cupping;

  • The individual must be semi-starved.
  • Eating and drinking must be stopped at least 3 hours before starting cupping.
  • There should be no sexual intercourse for 24 hours until the procedure.
  • Foods that increase sugar should not be consumed.
  • The body should be vigorous.
  • 12 hours in advance, taking medications that will change the fluidity of the blood should be stopped.

After cupping;

  • Heavy foods should not be consumed for the first 2 hours after treatment.
  • You should not sleep for the first 2 hours after cupping.
  • You can take a shower with warm water 12 hours after the procedure.
  • Sexual intercourse and strenuous physical activities such as sports should be avoided for the first 24 hours after the procedure.

In general terms, the points to be considered before and after cupping are as above. In addition to these, the specialist you consult to will inform you in more detail.

Specific Cupping Therapy Dates

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cupping therapy

Individuals who want to have cupping for therapeutic purposes can have it done at any time. However, some individuals may prefer to have this application on special days based on the Hijri calendar.

  • You can have a cupping between the 5th and 25th days of the Hijri months.
  • The sunnah days are the 17th, 19th, and 21st days of Hijri calendar.

You can contact our clinic for more detailed information about cupping treatment.


What are the common sites for applying cupping?

Cupping is usually applied to the back. However, it is also possible to apply cupping to areas such as the neck, shoulders, back of the head, top of the feet, knees, coccyx, and back of the calf or waist.

How long does a cupping procedure take?

Cupping treatment takes approximately 30 minutes.

How often is cupping performed?

The frequency of cupping therapy varies depending on the health status and needs of the individual. Some individuals can have cupping at least once a month, while some individuals can have cupping 2 or 3 times a year. The frequency of cupping varies from person to person. A specialist should be consulted about this issue first.

Do scars remain after cupping?

When non-specialists are consulted for cupping treatment, yes, scars may remain. When the small incisions made on the skin are too deep, the possibility of scarring on the skin is extremely high. For this, individuals who want treatment should consult a specialist. In this way, unwanted results can be prevented.

Is cupping painful?

Cupping is a painless procedure and does not affect the person's daily life afterwards.