Bone loss in jaw (bone resorption) occurs due to tooth loss or various gum diseases. Especially when the area remains empty for a long time after tooth extraction or tooth loss, the jawbone begins to deteriorate over time. When this starts to happen, the patient may need to use prostheses, facial features may change or existing teeth may shift. This can make the person very uncomfortable, and healthy teeth might also be damaged over time as the resorption will continue. Bone loss in jaw, which brings with it various health problems, should be treated as soon as possible.

With today's developing technology, the problem of jaw bone loss can be eliminated. It can be prevented by supporting the jawbone with different treatment methods. Starting the treatment on time is essential for the patient's health.

What Is Bone Loss In Jaw?

Bone loss in jaw appears when the bone in the area is left empty after tooth extraction or tooth loss, and as a result, the jawbone begins to dissolve over time. To avoid this, it is necessary to place an implant in the jawbone as soon as possible after the tooth loss.

One of the most common treatment methods for bone loss is dental implants. Implants are titanium screws and they act as the missing tooth root. In this way, an artificial tooth root is created in the area of tooth loss, and the loss in the jawbone is stopped. If an implant is not placed at the missing tooth point, the jawbone, which does not have a tooth root, will continue to deteriorate.

In addition to tooth loss, cysts, tumors, and/or various gum diseases can also cause bone loss. In order to choose the right treatment methods, it is first necessary to determine the causes of the condition.

What Are The Causes For Jaw Bone Loss?

Although we have briefly mentioned the causes of jaw bone resorption above, they are not limited to these. Bone loss in jaw may occur for many different reasons;

  • Tooth loss
  • Chronic diseases
  • Long-term medication use
  • Lack of nutrition
  • Gum diseases
  • Tumor
  • Cyst
  • Hormonal changes
  • Old age
  • Estrogen deficiency
  • Long-term denture use
  • Bruxism (teeth clenching, teeth grinding)

What Are The Symptoms Of Jaw Bone Loss?

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Bone loss in jaw may occur for different reasons, and the condition can also cause various symptoms. Paying attention to these various symptoms can guide you in starting jaw bone loss treatment;

  • Having problems with eating and drinking, feeling pain
  • Weight loss due to eating and drinking problems
  • Caries formation in teeth despite regular oral care
  • Having difficulty speaking
  • Head, face, and jaw pain
  • Distortion of facial features
  • Displacement of teeth

The symptoms of jawbone resorption are diverse. If you have any of these symptoms, you can consult our clinic and start your treatment.

You can read: German Dental Implant Brands

What Are The Treatment Methods For Jawbone Resorption?

Before deciding on the treatment method for jawbone resorption, it should be determined why the bone has started to resorb. After this stage, the proper treatment method should be decided.

Bone loss in jaw can be eliminated with many different treatment methods. Implant surgeries are at the forefront of these treatments. However, the jaw of the patient, who is experiencing bone loss, is not strong enough to support the implant. For this reason, sinus lifting and then bone grafting (adding bone powder) procedures are performed in the first place. In this way, the thinning bone area is strengthened again with artificial bone powders, and the area is made suitable for implant placement.

The treatment of jaw bone resorption should be undertaken by a specialist. Make sure that you are consulting a professional.

Which Implant Treatment Methods Are Used For Bone Loss In Jaw?

If the bone loss in the jaw is advanced, it is necessary to consider advanced technical implant treatments.

  • Box Technique: With this method, a 3D artificial jaw is created specifically for the patient. Implant treatment is then started and bone resorption is treated.
  • All on 4: It is the implant treatment method preferred for patients who have lost too many teeth and have bone resorption in the jaw due to this. Thanks to these implants placed in the jaw with special angles, the treatment is completed without the need for a large number of implants.
  • Zygoma Implant: It is another treatment method used for patients with severe bone loss in jaw. It is also called a cheekbone implant because these implants are attached to the cheekbone instead of the maxilla. It is a treatment method applied when there is no bone tissue left in the upper jaw to be implanted.

In order for the jawbone resorption treatment process to proceed correctly, and to achieve success as a result of the treatment, you should consult a specialist. Only professional physicians with extensive knowledge can successfully complete this kind of advanced treatment.

You can read: All On 6 Dental Implants

How Fast Does Jaw Bone Deteriorate?

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After tooth loss, bone resorption in the jaw starts rapidly. For this reason, your treatment should begin in 6 months after tooth extraction or tooth loss since the deterioration continues rapidly within 6-12 months after tooth loss.

If you would like to make an appointment and be informed about the treatment of jaw bone loss, you can contact us.


How long does it take to treat bone loss in jaw?

The duration of jawbone resorption treatment varies according to the method to be applied. With the Box technique, the treatment is completed in 6-12 months; with the all on 4 and zygoma technique, it is completed in 3-6 months.

Is jawbone resorption curable?

Yes. Thanks to today's technology, the bone loss in jaw can be treated by supporting it with bone graft and/or dental implants.