Infected tooth pain, also known as tooth abscess, is a common issue caused by the accumulation of bacteria. Inflammation in the tooth occurs due to factors such as decayed teeth, tooth injuries, or any dental operation.

The bacteria causing tooth inflammation gradually reach the tooth root, resulting in inflammation in the roots. As the infection progresses, the pain from infected tooth becomes unbearable.

Let's delve into what infected tooth pain is, its causes, and how it can be treated in more detail.

What is Infected Tooth Pain?

Infected tooth pain occurs due to inflammation accumulating in the teeth for various reasons. Over time, bacteria move towards the tooth's root, leading to more significant problems and persistent tooth pain.

Decayed teeth, fractures in teeth, poor oral hygiene, and teeth grinding are among the many reasons that can cause abscess formation in the tooth. This results in pain, swelling, and bad breath.

So, how does infected tooth pain manifest itself? Here are 7 signs of Infected Tooth Pain:

  1. Severe pain felt in the jaw, neck, and ear.
  2. Sensitivity to both cold and hot temperatures.
  3. Difficulty in chewing.
  4. Swelling in the cheek.
  5. Pain in the cheek and facial area.
  6. Unpleasant taste and odor in the mouth.
  7. Salty water sensation in the mouth.

Causes of Infected Tooth Pain:

Tooth inflammation arises from the settlement of bacteria within the oral cavity, leading to infection. Failure to treat it allows the abscess to grow, causing more harm to the tooth.

Why does Infected Tooth Pain occur?

  1. Inadequate attention to oral hygiene.
  2. Not using dental floss.
  3. Excessive consumption of caffeine, cigarettes, or sugar.
  4. Incorrect dental practices.
  5. Tooth decay.
  6. Failure to treat fractures in teeth.
  7. Habits like grinding and clenching teeth, making them sensitive.

Understanding the causes of problems in your teeth is crucial for preventive treatments.

Home Remedies for Infected Tooth Pain:

It is recommended to consult a dentist as soon as possible for infected tooth pain. This way, your pain and dental problems can be resolved before they worsen. Your dentist will plan the most appropriate treatment process for you.

Home remedies can provide immediate relief from pain and stop the progression of tooth inflammation. However, these methods are not scientifically proven and are based on popular beliefs.

Here are some home remedies for Infected Tooth Pain:

  1. Garlic: Known for its pain-relieving effect, fresh garlic is chewed on the infected tooth, followed by brushing the teeth.
  2. Oil Pulling: Coconut oil is swished in the mouth on an empty stomach and then spit out to reduce oral bacteria.
  3. Clove: Clove oil is applied to a cotton ball and placed on the painful and inflamed tooth.
  4. Saltwater Gargle: Gargling with saltwater is known for its pain-relieving and antibacterial properties.
  5. Apple Cider Vinegar: Diluted apple cider vinegar is swished in the mouth to disinfect the infected area.
  6. Turmeric: Mixing turmeric with water and applying it to the affected area is believed to reduce inflammation.
  7. Thyme Oil: Applying thyme oil to the painful and inflamed tooth can provide relief.
  8. Peppermint Oil: Similar to thyme oil, peppermint oil, known for its antibacterial properties, can be applied to the affected area.

These listed methods are popular remedies without scientific backing. The effectiveness may vary from person to person.

Preventive Methods for Infected Tooth Pain:

  1. Use a fluoride-containing toothpaste.
  2. Brush your teeth correctly with the right toothbrush for 3 minutes twice a day.
  3. Make flossing a habit.
  4. Replace toothbrushes every 2-3 months.
  5. Avoid sugary foods.
  6. Regular dental check-ups.
  7. Stay away from smoking and alcohol.

How to Alleviate Infected Tooth Pain:

Infected tooth pain occurs due to bacterial infection in the tooth roots, resulting in abscess formation. Bacteria reach the tooth root over time from decayed or fractured teeth. This abscess exerts pressure on the tooth roots, causing swelling and a sensation of pain.

So, how can you alleviate infected tooth pain?

  1. Abscess Drainage: A small incision is made on the abscess, and the accumulated pus is drained. The area is then cleaned.
  2. Root Canal Treatment: In cases where the infection has progressed, the dentist drains the abscess and performs a root canal.
  3. Tooth Extraction: Tooth extraction is performed when it is certain that the tooth cannot be saved. If tooth inflammation has caused permanent damage, antibiotic treatment dries the infection first, followed by tooth extraction.

How Long Does Infected Tooth Pain Last?

Infected tooth pain continues to worsen each day if left untreated. Therefore, seeking medical attention as soon as possible is recommended. The recovery period varies depending on the treatment applied.

When you visit the dentist, pain and infected tooth problems can be alleviated within a few hours through treatment and medication. Antibiotic treatment is applied for 6-10 days. Significant relief from pain is noticeable within a few days.

What Dries Infected Tooth Inflammation?

Antibiotics prescribed by your doctor dry the infected tooth inflammation. To achieve complete recovery, it is essential to use antibiotics regularly. Even if the pain subsides, continue using the prescribed dosage as directed by your doctor.