For those curious about what bonding is, in summary, bonding is a cosmetic dentistry procedure. In this procedure, bonding material is hardened to match the tooth's color and applied to the tooth.

In bonding, a composite layer is used to blend with the natural tooth structure. It is employed when there is a desire to enhance the shape and color of the teeth for aesthetic reasons. It is commonly used to repair minor damages and cracks in teeth.

Let's delve into what bonding is and how it's done in more detail.

What Is Bonding?

Bonding is frequently used in aesthetic dentistry. It involves hardening composite material to match the natural color of the tooth and applying it to the tooth surface. It is commonly used in smile aesthetics, addressing issues related to the shape and color of teeth.

Additionally, bonding can be utilized to repair teeth that have been chipped or cracked due to trauma. It is also an option for individuals with spaced teeth to fill in small gaps. The application is done directly in the mouth.

Now, let's explore how bonding is performed.

How Is Bonding Done?

The bonding procedure, like other dental treatments, involves several stages:

  1. The dentist conducts a detailed examination to assess the patient's oral and dental condition.
  2. The teeth for application are determined.
  3. Tooth surfaces are prepared for the composite material.
  4. The composite material is applied directly to the tooth surface to create the desired shape, layer by layer.
  5. These layers are hardened using a special light.
  6. Finally, shaping and polishing are performed.

Alternatively, bonding can be carried out in a laboratory setting. In this process, impressions are taken from the teeth, molds are produced, and composites are shaped on these molds. The resulting layer is then bonded to the patient's teeth.

Who Can Benefit from Bonding?

Bonding is suitable for individuals concerned about the aesthetics of their teeth, particularly regarding shape and color. The decision to undergo the procedure is made after a thorough examination by the dentist.

Bonding can be applied to:

  • Gapped teeth
  • Cracked teeth
  • Teeth with shape irregularities
  • Short teeth
  • Discolored teeth

To determine the suitability of teeth for this procedure, consulting with a dentist is crucial. The dentist will diagnose the issue and determine the treatment plan in detail.

How Long Does Bonding Take?

Bonding is a relatively simple procedure, usually completed in a single session. However, the duration may vary based on the number of teeth involved. Procedures for 1 or 2 teeth can be completed in about an hour, with each tooth requiring approximately half an hour of application time.

After the application session, a follow-up appointment is made to check the patient's teeth. This check-up is essential, and if any issues are identified, they can be resolved by polishing during this session. A follow-up appointment one week after the procedure is crucial.

Post-Bonding Care Guidelines

Bonding is a straightforward procedure, often completed without the need for anesthesia, and patients typically do not experience pain or discomfort.

After the procedure, it's essential to have a follow-up appointment a week later to address any shape irregularities. This check-up is crucial, involving a polishing procedure if necessary. In some cases, issues like height discrepancies may arise, and the patient's feedback guides the dentist in correcting these.

Patients are advised to pay extra attention to dental hygiene after the treatment. It is recommended to reduce the consumption of substances that cause discoloration, such as coffee, tea, and tobacco. Additionally, avoiding impact on the teeth and taking precautions if there is a teeth-grinding issue will contribute to the longevity of the treatment.


Bonding is a valuable aesthetic dentistry procedure, providing solutions for various dental concerns. The success and durability of the treatment depend on proper post-care measures and regular follow-up appointments. If you have any concerns about your smile aesthetics, feel free to contact us for a free initial consultation.