Implant treatment is a treatment method applied to patients who have experienced tooth loss. This situation negatively affects the daily life of patients both aesthetically and functionally. Thanks to implants, missing teeth can be filled and oral health can be improved at the same time.

One of the most researched topics in implant treatment is implant brands. German products are frequently preferred all over the world due to their recognition and quality. This situation is not very different in our country as well. That's why patients who will have implants are also primarily researching German implant brands.

Implants are very important for the oral health of a person. For this reason, the material used for treatment should be selected carefully. The material to be used must be of high quality and fit the patient's oral structure well. Treatment with an experienced surgeon and a high-quality implant makes patients extremely satisfied.

German Dental İmplant Brands

german dental implant brands
German dental implant brands

Many patients and dentists prefer German brands for implant treatment. Because, German-brand implants are among the best products in the dental implant industry.

Germany is one of the countries that set quality standards for dental implants worldwide. These implants are usually applied by experienced dentists. In this way, it is more likely that the implants are placed correctly and will be long-lasting.

Now, let's take look at the 5 most preferred German dental implant brands;

  • Bego
  • Camlog
  • Dentaurum
  • Bredent SKY
  • Medentis ICX

For more detailed information, don't forget to read our article called: What Is An Implant?

1. Bego İmplant

Bego implant is a dental implant manufacturer based in Germany. The company specializes in the design, manufacture and distribution of dental implants, implant-supported dentures, and other dental products. This brand has been serving people for 130 years.

Bego produces dental implants using extremely high-quality materials. Therefore, it is one of the most reliable brands in the sector. Bego implants, which undergo strict quality control, are long-lasting and durable.

Since it offers various implant types, Bego responds to the needs of both dentists and patients. Abutments in different sizes and shapes are available for harmonious use by patients. Bego implant is continuously improving its quality. Therefore, you can choose it with peace of mind.

2. Camlog İmplant

Camlog is normally based in Switzerland but also has production facilities in Germany. The Camlog brand implant has been approved by medical authorities and has received FDA approval. They are known for their optimized design, especially for surgical applications.

Produced by using quality materials, Camlog implants are designed with high precision. They are often preferred because it is long-lasting and durable.

3. Dentaurum İmplant

Dentaurum, based in Germany, manufactures implant products as well as many different dental materials. including Dentaurum implants are manufactured by using medical titanium.

Since Dentaurum implants are small in width and length, they are extremely comfortable to use for both dentists and patients.

4. Bredent SKY İmplant

Germany-based brand Bredent is one of the best implant brands in the world. In addition to the production of implants, the brand also produces many different dental materials.

Bredent implants are made of medical titanium and their surfaces are optimized for a better connection with the bone. In addition, Bredent implants are designed for low-invasive surgical techniques. This allows patients to recover faster after the surgery.

The success rate of Bredent implants is extremely high. Therefore, it is frequently preferred by dentists.

5. Medentis ICX İmplant

Another one of the best German implant brands is Medentix ICX. The design and production of implants of this brand are made with superior quality materials and under strict quality control procedures. Thanks to their user-friendly design, Medentis implants are frequently preferred.

Just like Bredent, Medentis are also designed in accordance with invasive surgical techniques for patients to recover more easily after the operation.

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