Alternative Therapies - ProEstetik


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Category: Alternative Therapies

What is Cupping Therapy? What are its Benefits?

Cupping therapy, also known as “hacamat” in Turkish, is a traditional treatment method commonly practiced…

What is Ozone Therapy? How is it Applied? What Diseases Does it Benefit?

Ozone therapy is one of the alternative treatment types that strengthen immunity and increase body…

What Is Cupping Therapy? Definition, Uses, Benefits…

Cupping therapy, also known as hijamah, is a traditional treatment method. The main purpose of…

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About Us

Pro Estetik Dental Clinic was founded in 2011 in Izmir, Turkey by associate professor M. Selim Bilgin. We serve dental service in all dental branches to all national and international patients in a wide modern clinic, nearly 500-metersquare areas.

All of our dentists are members of the Turkish Dental Association. They speak English and have a huge amount of experience liaising with international patients about their dental treatment and the options available to restore your smile.