What to do after root canal treatment is as important as the treatment process. After the treatment, the patient should pay extra attention to oral hygiene and avoid certain foods.

The more careful the patient is after treatment, the faster the healing process will be. At the same time, mistakes made after treatment also affect the success of the treatment. Let's explain what to pay attention to after root canal treatment in 5 articles.

Post-Treatment Care: 5 Points!

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Post-treatment care is as crucial as the treatment process itself after root canal treatment. After the treatment, the patient should pay extra attention to oral hygiene and avoid certain foods.

The more careful the patient is after the treatment, the faster the recovery process will be. Additionally, mistakes made after the treatment can also affect the success of the procedure. Let's discuss in our article 5 points to consider after root canal treatment.

Attention after Root Canal Treatment: 5 Points!

Root canal treatment repairs and saves decayed or broken teeth. This procedure can be used for many dental problems. During the treatment, the nerves underneath the tooth's hard tissue are removed and cleaned. The remaining gaps are filled.

The success of the treatment depends on the treatment process, the expertise of the dentist, and the patient's approach. Especially, the care the patient shows to their teeth after the treatment directly affects the treatment's success.

Let's take a closer look at what should be considered after the treatment.

5 Recommendations after Root Canal Treatment:

  1. Anesthesia is administered to the patient during the treatment process. The effects of anesthesia continue after the procedure. Due to this numbness, the patient may inadvertently harm themselves when eating immediately after the procedure. Therefore, it is advisable to wait for the numbness to wear off before eating or drinking anything.
  2. Root canal treatment is a detailed procedure. Sensitivity in your teeth may occur after the procedure. Therefore, you should avoid excessively sticky, cold, and hot foods.
  3. Pain is normal after your treatment. When experiencing pain, you should only use the painkillers recommended by your dentist. Avoiding the indiscriminate use of medication is recommended.
  4. For a few days after the treatment, it is recommended to chew on the other side of your mouth rather than on the treated area. The treatment will settle in a few days. Providing protection on those teeth during these few days would be beneficial.
  5. Cigarettes and tobacco products should not be used for at least 1 day after the procedure. These products already damage teeth. However, they can cause problems such as abscesses in your already sensitive teeth.

All this information is provided for post-treatment guidance. It is not recommended to perform any procedure without consulting your dentist. Listening to your dentist's recommendations is crucial for post-treatment care.

Post-Root Canal Treatment Pain

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Jaw pain, tooth pain, and gum pain may occur after root canal treatment. Root canal treatment can cause sensitivity in teeth for a few days. For severe, persistent pain, you should consult your dentist.

So how can you alleviate pain after root canal treatment?

  • Your teeth will be more sensitive than usual after the treatment. Therefore, good oral and dental care speeds up the healing process and has a soothing effect inside the mouth.
  • Under your doctor's guidance, you can gargle with salt water several times a day.
  • You can apply cold compresses to the painful area.
  • There may be swelling in the jaw area after the procedure. You can elevate your head while sleeping to reduce this discomfort.
  • Avoiding heavy exercises for a few days after the treatment will give your body time to heal. Resting during this period is recommended.

Eating After Root Canal Treatment

We mentioned eating after root canal treatment in points. Let's explain this important topic in more detail now.

Numbness in the mouth continues for a few hours after the treatment. A patient experiencing numbness can cause injuries inside the mouth when eating. Therefore, eating and drinking should be avoided for at least a few hours.

A few hours after the treatment, you can consume warm and soft foods. Your teeth will be more sensitive than usual after the treatment. Directly consuming very cold, hot, or hard foods can cause pain in your already sensitive teeth. After a few days from the treatment, you can return to your normal routine.

The question "Can you smoke after root canal treatment?" is also frequently asked. Let's explain this question in detail now.

Smoking After Root Canal Treatment

Cigarettes and alcohol harm teeth and overall oral health even under normal circumstances. It is recommended to stay away from such harmful substances after root canal treatment as well. Especially, it is important to avoid smoking and alcohol products for the first 24 hours.

Smoking after root canal treatment can increase the risk of infection and slow down gum healing.

Similarly, sugary, carbonated drinks and foods can also cause problems for your teeth during this process. Therefore, it is recommended to take a break from such harmful foods for a while.

Swelling and Throbbing After Root Canal Treatment

Swelling of the gums after root canal treatment is quite normal. Typically, this swelling subsides within a few days. You can apply cold compresses for this swelling.

Brushing After Root Canal Treatment

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Portrait of female patient with toothache in clinic

You should avoid brushing your teeth too hard for teeth that are sensitive after treatment. You can gently brush your teeth with a soft-tipped toothbrush. Don't forget to use dental floss as well for oral and dental hygiene after the treatment.

The success of root canal treatment depends on the care of both the dentist and the patient. Failed root canal treatment can manifest itself with certain symptoms after the procedure.