Ozone therapy is one of the alternative treatment types that strengthen immunity and increase body resistance. Ozone gas is used in this treatment. During the treatment process, ozone and oxygen gas is applied to the body cavities or circulatory system.

What is ozone therapy, how to use it, let's answer all questions such as which diseases are good for in our article!

What is Ozone Therapy?

Ozon Tedavisi Nedir?

Ozone therapy is one of the alternative treatment methods that strengthens immunity and increases body resistance. Ozone gas is used in this treatment. During the treatment process, ozone and oxygen gas are applied to body cavities or the circulatory system.

How is Ozone Therapy Done?

Ozon Tedavisi Nedir?

Ozone therapy is a complementary treatment applied for healing wounds and as an alternative treatment for certain diseases. Scientifically, the effects of ozone therapy have not been conclusively proven and may vary from person to person. It should be administered under the supervision and approval of a doctor.

How is Ozone Therapy Performed?

Ozone therapy is conducted through various methods, including Major Autohemotherapy, Minor Autohemotherapy, Intra-articular Application, Bagging, and Rectal Application. Each session typically lasts 30-45 minutes, with 12-14 sessions recommended. These treatments should be carefully administered under the supervision of a physician.

Precautions During Ozone Therapy

During ozone therapy, attention should be paid to nutrition and habits such as avoiding excessive sugar, alcohol, and smoking. Prior consultation with a doctor is essential for individuals taking medication, as some medications may interact negatively with ozone therapy.

Benefits of Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy offers various benefits, including improving blood circulation and wound healing, slowing cancer cell growth, increasing energy levels, reducing pain and inflammation, treating infections, correcting circulatory disorders, and strengthening the immune system.

Who Should Avoid Ozone Therapy

Ozon Tedavisi Nedir?

Individuals with enzyme deficiencies, pregnant or nursing women, chronic alcoholics, severe anemia patients, asthma patients with ozone allergies, and those with cardiovascular diseases should avoid ozone therapy.

Side Effects of Ozone Therapy

The effects of ozone therapy vary among individuals. Improper dosage can lead to harmful effects, such as fatigue and headaches. It is crucial for individuals seeking this treatment to undergo medical evaluation and follow the recommended protocol under a doctor's supervision.

Cost of Ozone Therapy

The cost of ozone therapy varies depending on the duration and specific procedures involved, with session prices generally ranging from 1500-2500 TL.