Teeth can be damaged over time due to irregular oral care and/or problems such as clenching. A composite filling is a filling method frequently preferred by dentists and patients for the repair of deformations caused by tooth decay, cracks, or fractures. Filling treatments are often preferred because they are more painless than other restorative dental treatments.

What Is Composite Filling?

Deformations in teeth may occur for different reasons. As a result of it, the first treatment method which is used to prevent tooth loss is dental fillings. Depending on the condition of the tooth and the patient's expectations from the treatment, one of the many different types of dental fillings can be preferred. Composite dental fillings are among the first choices of patients since they are compatible with the structure and color of the natural tooth.

The deterioration of the tooth is eliminated easily with composite fillings. Composite tooth fillings are obtained from resin-based material and this material has the consistency of dough at first. With the help of special rays, this paste-like filling hardens and becomes highly compatible with the patient's own natural tooth.

Composite dental fillings are mostly preferred for front tooth treatments due to the fact that there is almost no difference between them and natural teeth. However, these fillings can also be easily applied to the back teeth. Thanks to these fillings that strengthen chewing and biting, the aesthetic appearance of the tooth is saved and its function is corrected.

Composite Filling Procedure

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composite filling procedure

The composite tooth-filling process is effortless and can be completed in a single session.

  • The patient's teeth are examined before the treatment begins. It is determined which tooth disorder the filling will be applied to treat.
  • If there is decay in the tooth to be filled, local anesthesia is first applied to the patient, and tooth decay is cleaned. (Local anesthesia is not needed for broken tooth filling treatments.)
  • The tooth is cleaned and made suitable for the filling process.
  • The filling is adjusted to be suitable for the tooth cavity. This is crucial because the filling to be applied must be the same color and completely compatible with the tooth. The patient must be able to bite correctly and the filling surface must be adjusted to be compatible with the natural tooth for a successful treatment result.
  • The filling material is shaped in the most accurate way suitable for the patient's tooth structure. Final touches are made and the treatment is completed.

NOTE: After the filling procedure, the patient may be sensitive to cold and heat. In addition, he/she may feel pain in his/her teeth when biting. The situation is normal and passes in a very short time.

You can read: Restorative Dentistry

Who Can Have Composite Tooth Filling?

Composite filling in İzmir is preferred for patients who are not satisfied with the appearance of their natural teeth and/or whose teeth have deformed over time. Those;

  • Those looking for an alternative to dental fillings that do not look very aesthetic, such as amalgam fillings,
  • Those who want the gap between their teeth removed,
  • Those who want to close the cavity formed after the tooth decays are cleaned with a natural tooth color filling,
  • Those who want to repair fractures and cracks in the front teeth,
  • Those who are not satisfied with the appearance of their existing teeth,
  • Those who want to improve tooth color or structure prefer composite filling.

The composite procedure, also known as bonding, is a highly suitable treatment option for patients who want to achieve an aesthetic and natural appearance.

Benefits Of Composite Filling

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Composite dental fillings have many advantages. We can list the advantages of these fillings, which are generally used in the treatment of tooth decay and fractures, as follows;

  1. The biggest advantage of composite resin fillings is that it improves the teeth aesthetically and functionally. In this way, the patient gets rid of aesthetic concerns quickly.
  2. It can be easily applied to both front and back teeth. Unlike amalgam filling, it does not cause tooth discoloration. It does not create a metal appearance when applied to the back teeth.
  3. The filling material is selected in accordance with the patient's tooth color. Therefore, no difference can be seen between the natural tooth and the filling.
  4. Composite dental fillings are hardened with special rays. They are extremely strong, and they don't disturb the patient when biting and chewing.
  5. The procedure is painless. Local anesthesia is usually not required for applications other than caries treatment.
  6. The treatment can be completed in one session. Fillings can be applied to more than one tooth in a single day. For this reason, it is among the most preferred restorative dental treatments.

You can read: Bone Loss In Jaw

Disadvantages Of Composite Fillings

There are also some disadvantages of composite filling treatment, although not too many;

  • After treatment, the patient may feel short-term sensitivity to cold and heat. This goes away about in 1 month. If it doesn't, you should consult your dentist.
  • When you consume hard-shelled foods, your filling may break or crack. Therefore, you should pay attention to what you eat and drink.
  • Fillings are allergic to some patients. When allergic reactions such as itching or rash occur on your skin, you should consult your doctor as soon as possible.
  • Composite dental fillings may turn yellow over time due to coffee, wine, tea, or cigarette consumption.

How Long Does Composite Filling Last?

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The lifespan of a composite filling varies depending on how much the filling material is used and how oral care is done. When the filling material is properly protected and oral and dental care is performed regularly, composite dental fillings can be used from 5 to 15 years.

You should read for proper oral care: How To Use Dental Floss

How Much Does Composite Filling Cost In Turkey

Composite filling prices vary according to the patient's condition. In addition, how long the treatment will be completed also affects the pricing.

  • Composite filling on a single tooth costs an average of 30 Euros.

Contact us for planning and pricing for your composite filling treatment.


Is composite filling discolored?

Yes, composite fillings are affected by substances that can stain teeth such as cigarettes, coffee, tea or wine over time and they can be discolored.

Is composite filling applied to every tooth?

Composite filling can be applied to decayed or broken teeth. These fillings, which were applied only to the front teeth in the past, are now easily applied to the back teeth with the development of technology.

When does composite filling pain go away?

After the filling procedure, the teeth may be sensitive for a while, but it lasts for a maximum of 1 month. If you continue to feel sensitivity after a month, you should consult your dentist.

How long will the composite filling last?

When oral and dental care is performed well, the lifespan of composite fillings varies between 5 and 15 years.