Implants are frequently preferred in the treatment of missing teeth. During the treatment process, screws are placed into the jawbone, mimicking tooth roots. Once these screws fuse with the jawbone, the prosthesis is also placed.
Implant healing abutments are components typically made of titanium and placed on the implant. We’ve gathered detailed information about these components!
What is an Implant Healing Abutment?
The implant healing abutment is quite important for implant treatment. This abutment ensures that the gum tissue heals healthily after the implant is placed. Shaped like a small screw, this abutment also promotes the formation of new tissues around the implant. Additionally, it improves the connection between the implant and the prosthesis, making it stronger.
We briefly answered what an implant healing abutment is! This abutment offers many advantages in implant treatment. Thanks to the implant healing abutment, the gum tissue is shaped to be both aesthetic and healthy, surrounding tissues are not damaged, and a functional base is created for the prosthesis.
What Should Be Done If the Abutment Falls Off During Treatment?
During the implant treatment process, the abutment may fall off or become loose. Although this is quite a normal situation, immediate intervention is necessary. This ensures that the treatment process proceeds as planned.
First, if the abutment falls off, you should keep it safe. You can place it in a clean cloth. Then, you should consult your dentist as soon as possible. You may feel itching or discomfort in the area where the abutment fell off. Try not to touch this area as much as possible.
The risk of infection may increase due to the abutment falling off. To prevent this, it is recommended to pay extra attention to your oral and dental health.
Replacing the Healing Abutment After Implantation
For the placement of the implant healing abutment, local anesthesia is first administered to the patient. The dentist performs a minor operation to reopen the gum tissue. Once the implant screw is reached, the healing abutment is placed.
Since the patient is under local anesthesia during the process, they do not feel any pain. Later, mild pain may occur, which is normal. In the initial period, the implant abutment may apply pressure to the surrounding tissues. This can be felt by the patient, but the discomfort can be alleviated with simple pain relievers.
To ensure the patient does not experience aesthetic concerns during the healing process, a temporary fixed prosthesis may be applied. This allows the patient to go through the treatment process comfortably.
Functions of Healing Abutments in Implant Treatment
Every stage of implant treatment is very important. Each stage must be performed carefully and meticulously. The process of attaching the implant healing abutment begins after the implant is placed.
The functions of the implant healing abutment are as follows:
- It ensures the gum tissue is properly shaped during the implant treatment process. It also supports the health of the tissue.
- It helps maintain gum health.
- It facilitates the transition from the implant to the prosthesis and ensures the prosthesis is well-positioned.
- Prosthetic teeth become both more functional and more aesthetic.
- It can prevent complications that may occur during the healing process.
All of these are extremely important for the overall treatment process. Implant healing abutments ensure the treatment process proceeds more effectively.
Different Types of Abutments for Specific Needs
As with all dental treatments, it is not possible to apply a single type of treatment in implant procedures. Applications also vary depending on different oral and dental structures.
Just as there are different types of implants, implant healing abutments are also available in various types designed to meet specific needs.
The types of implant healing abutments are as follows:
- Standard Healing Abutments: This is the most commonly used type of abutment. It is available in different diameters and lengths and is preferred for general applications.
- Long Healing Abutments: In some cases, the patient’s gum tissue may require additional support. In such cases, long abutments are used. These are especially preferred in deep gum areas or for patients with bone loss.
- Short Healing Abutments: Some patients may have less gum height. In such situations, minimal soft tissue changes are targeted in the area where the implant will be placed. Short healing abutments may be suitable for this.
- Custom-Designed Abutments: These are specially designed abutments created for individual patient needs. They are used in complex cases or when aesthetic requirements are high, particularly for front teeth. These abutments, which are both aesthetic and functional, may take longer to manufacture.
We’ve listed the types of implant healing abutments. Now let’s examine what to pay attention to and what precautions to take after this procedure is performed!
Recovery Process After Healing Abutment Placement
Implant treatment is a time-consuming procedure. After the implant healing abutment is placed, there may be a waiting period of approximately one week. At the end of this period, the patient returns to the clinic, and the treatment continues.
Extra care must be taken for the treated area after the procedure. Hard brushing, sticky, or hard foods should be avoided. Additionally, brushing too hard may damage the area.
For more detailed information about implant treatment, be sure to read our article titled "What is an Implant? How is it Done?"
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We’ve compiled information about implant treatments and healing abutments. For more detailed information on these topics, you can contact us and take advantage of a free initial examination opportunity.
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