When the pulp inside our tooth, known as the pulpa, is damaged, bacteria begin to multiply. Thanks to modern technology, when the pulpa is damaged, rather than extracting the tooth directly, it can be saved through root canal treatment.

Root Canal Treatment Prices 2024

Kanal Tedavisi Fiyatları 2024
Kanal Tedavisi Fiyatları 2023

The prices for 2024 root canal treatment, as determined by the Turkish Dental Association, are as follows:

  • Single Canal (Excluding Filling): 63 £
  • Two Canals (Excluding Filling): 95 £
  • Three Canals (Excluding Filling): 130 £
  • Root Canal Treatment - Additional for Each Canal: 35 £
  • Root Canal Treatment for Periapical Lesion - Single Canal (Excluding Filling): 66 £
  • Root Canal Treatment for Periapical Lesion - Two Canals (Excluding Filling): 98 £
  • Root Canal Treatment for Periapical Lesion - Three Canals (Excluding Filling): 135 £
  • Retreatment - Canal Filling Repeated (Excluding Filling for Each Canal): 60 £
  • Ready Post Application Inside the Canal (Metal) (Excluding Filling Fee): 41 £
  • Fiber Post Application Inside the Canal (Excluding Filling Fee): 82 £
  • Removal of Material Broken from the Canal: 84 £

What is Root Canal Treatment?

kanal tedavisi nedir
kanal tedavisi nedir

First, let's start with the question: What is root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment, medically known as endodontic treatment, is a procedure performed to save a person's decayed or infected tooth.

The tooth contains a living tissue called pulpa. This tissue includes blood vessels and nerves that nourish the tooth. Pulpa can be damaged or infected for various reasons.

In root canal treatment, the pulpa is removed, and the area is cleaned and sealed again. Root canal treatment is applied when the damage to the tooth cannot be repaired with regular tooth filling treatment.

When is Root Canal Treatment Done?

We've answered the question of what root canal treatment is. Now, let's explore when this treatment is applied. Let's take a look...

Firstly, it should be noted that root canal treatment is not applied to every decayed tooth. Only filling treatment can be applied to teeth with minimal pain. If treatment is not started before the condition of the tooth worsens, root canal treatment becomes necessary.

Root canal treatment can be applied for various reasons. However, the primary situations that require treatment include tooth decay and fractures.

If these deteriorations in the tooth are not corrected quickly, the tissue of the tooth begins to deteriorate. This condition leads to tooth loss and bone resorption. Root canal treatment prevents the loss of the bone structure of the tooth and saves a dead tooth.

Below, you can examine when root canal treatment is applied:

  • Deep cavities
  • Infected tooth
  • Tooth fractures, cracks
  • Swelling of the gums
  • Pain during chewing
  • Darkening of the tooth color
  • Root canal treatment can be applied in cases of tooth sensitivity.

Let's delve into another topic related to what root canal treatment is: How is root canal treatment performed?

How is Root Canal Treatment Done?

kanal tedavisi neden yapılır
kanal tedavisi neden yapılır

Let's continue with a question as important as what root canal treatment is: How is root canal treatment done?

Root canal treatments are performed by a dentist or endodontist. Root canal treatment can be completed in 1 or 2 sessions depending on the condition of the tooth. During these sessions, decay on the tooth is removed, and the tooth canals are reshaped and filled again.

Although the process of root canal treatment varies according to the damage to the tooth, the general process of treatment is as follows:

  1. In the first step of root canal treatment, the patient is asked to take X-rays. The reason for this is to see if there is any inflammation in the tooth roots. This allows the dentist to examine the tooth more accurately and create a treatment plan accordingly. If the damage to the pulpa is extensive, root canal treatment is started.
  2. Firstly, the tissues around the tooth where root canal treatment will be performed are anesthetized with local anesthesia. This procedure ensures that the treatment is painless.
  3. After anesthesia, the tooth opening process begins. In this step, the dentist opens a hole in the tooth to reach the pulpa.
  4. The process of removing the pulpa begins. The living tissue, called pulpa, is removed from the tooth, and the root canals are cleaned with special tools. During this stage, the root canals are reshaped, and infections and decay in the tooth are cleaned, and other damages are repaired.
  5. The cleaned tooth root canals are filled with a special filling material. This filling prevents the tooth from being infected again.
  6. The hole opened on the tooth is closed with a filling or crown. This prevents the tooth from being damaged again, and the procedure is completed.

Note: Root canal treatment takes approximately 1 hour. In some cases, the dentist may prefer to complete the treatment in two sessions. The waiting time for the filling process after removing the pulpa generally does not exceed 1 week.

After Root Canal Treatment: What to Watch Out For

We learned what root canal treatment is. Let's continue with what you should pay attention to during and after the treatment.

After root canal treatment, there are some points that patients should pay attention to:

  • Root canal treatment is mostly completed in two sessions. Therefore, be careful not to use the tooth where root canal treatment started too much between sessions.
  • Do not eat or drink anything for 3 hours after the treatment is completed.
  • Aches and sensitivity in the tooth may be observed after root canal treatment. Avoid consuming very cold and hot things for a few days. Use the medications given by your dentist regularly.
  • Avoid consuming sugary foods known to cause decay in teeth.
  • Do not neglect your daily oral hygiene. Brush your teeth at least twice a day with a soft toothbrush. Complete the cleaning with dental floss.

Signs of Failed Root Canal Treatment

Kanal Tedavisi Nedir? Nasıl Yapılır?
Kanal Tedavisi Nedir? Nasıl Yapılır?

Root canal treatments may not always provide definitive solutions. Failed root canal treatments can cause the patient to feel pain again.

Although it varies from patient to patient, the signs of failed root canal treatment are as follows:

  • Swelling in the mouth, tooth, and face
  • Sensitivity to cold and hot foods for a long time
  • Swelling, inflammation of the gums
  • Change in tooth color
  • Headaches due to increased sinus problems

Let's continue with topics related to the question of what root canal treatment is.

How Long Does Root Canal Treatment Take?

The duration of root canal treatment varies from patient to patient. Treatment can be completed in one session or two sessions. Each session takes an average of 1 hour.

However, the total number of sessions for the treatment depends on the scope of your treatment. The correct duration will be determined by your dentist.

As much as the question of what root canal treatment is, prices are also important. Here are root canal treatment prices!