In this content, we have answered the question of what teeth whitening is. Everyone desires to have healthy-looking white teeth. However, both genetic factors and the foods we consume can disrupt this, and home remedies may be insufficient in removing yellowing from teeth.
For this reason, a teeth whitening procedure is applied. If you're wondering how bleaching teeth whitening is done, you can read the details from this content.
In recent years, dental aesthetics has become quite popular, and teeth whitening (bleaching) is among the most commonly performed procedures by dentists. This method involves removing colored substances on the surface of the teeth with teeth whitening gels.
What is Permanent Teeth Whitening?

What is teeth whitening? Teeth whitening is a cosmetic procedure done to have teeth whiter than their natural color. Teeth can become discolored or develop stains due to various factors over time.
The teeth whitening procedure includes a series of techniques and products used to reduce or remove stains and discoloration on the teeth. Teeth whitening is performed by dentists.
How is Teeth Whitening Done?

Teeth whitening methods are quite numerous, but the best results can be achieved with the help of your dentist. The teeth whitening procedure is carried out as follows:
- In the first stage, your dentist will place a plastic protector to keep your mouth open.
- In the next stage, whitening gels are applied to the area where your gums meet the teeth.
- Once the protective layer is formed, the whitening gel is carefully applied to your teeth by the dentist.
- Then, a laser-like pen is used to activate the gel and increase its effectiveness.
- After using the laser, the gel will foam to remove stains on the teeth.
- This gel continues to stay on your teeth for a few minutes. Then, the gel is removed from your teeth by the dentist using a small vacuum device.
- In the final stage, you will be asked to rinse your mouth.
Why Do Teeth Lose Their Whiteness?

After answering the question of what teeth whitening is, let's move on to the cause of this problem... Decay occurring in teeth during childhood, exposure to antibiotics during infancy or in the womb, daily consumption of food and beverages, and the fluoride content in water can cause discoloration in teeth.
There are two types of discoloration in teeth. The first one is internal discoloration, which penetrates inside the tooth and cannot be removed by brushing. It develops due to disorders during tooth formation or medications and the fluoride content in water. Teeth whitening generally provides high success in such cases.
The second type of discoloration is external discoloration, which occurs on the surface of the tooth due to food and beverages or smoking. Coloring substances from tea, coffee, or cola adhere to the tooth surface. This discoloration can also be removed with dental scaling.
Let's continue with topics related to the question of what teeth whitening is...
Why is Teeth Whitening Needed?

What is teeth whitening? Why is it needed? The appearance of teeth is very important for many people. Various methods are applied in the treatment of discolored and misshapen teeth. In addition to natural methods that can be applied at home, aesthetic and restorative methods have also been developed in dentistry.
Methods such as whitening teeth with baking soda at home, using special whitening toothpaste, and using whitening pens are tried. In addition to these, medical teeth whitening treatments are also performed by dentists.
What are the Teeth Whitening Methods?

There are two types of teeth whitening techniques. What is teeth whitening? This is one of the most curious topics for those who research. The first one is power bleaching, which is a whitening method performed in the office environment. It can be applied within a few hours and can lighten the tooth color by 3-4 shades. The procedure, which is applied using whitening gel and light, is fast, reliable, and effective.
The second technique is home bleaching, which is a whitening procedure performed in the home environment. It takes an average of 5-7 days and requires application for 4-8 hours a day. A custom plastic mouthguard is produced by taking a measurement from the mouth. Whitening is performed by placing gel in this mouthguard. The duration of the procedure may vary depending on the gel and the mouthguard used.
Now that we've learned what teeth whitening is, let's see who can have this procedure done.
Who Can Have Teeth Whitening Done?
Anyone without a special condition that would prevent the procedure from being performed on their teeth and gums can easily have this procedure done. Before the procedure, a dental examination is performed to detect any disease in the gums or advanced decay or other sensitivity in the teeth.
If such a condition exists, problematic situations are treated first, and then the teeth whitening procedure is applied. Apart from these, teeth whitening is not recommended for individuals who have not completed their development, pregnant women, and breastfeeding women.
When is Teeth Whitening Not Performed?
What is teeth whitening? After answering the question, it is also important to know other relevant and important issues. There are certain situations in which permanent teeth whitening procedure is not suitable. These are:
- In teeth with large pulp chambers,
- In excessively worn teeth,
- In teeth with porcelain crowns,
- In individuals with intense tooth sensitivity,
- In individuals with advanced tooth decay,
- In pregnant and breastfeeding women,
- Teeth whitening procedure is not considered appropriate.
Is Teeth Whitening Harmful?
There is no study showing that teeth whitening procedure damages teeth. Different concentrations of medications are prepared during the procedure, and the concentration of these medications is determined by the dentist.
As important as the question of what teeth whitening is, there is another important question: Does teeth whitening procedure yield the same results in everyone?
Does Teeth Whitening Procedure Yield the Same Results in Everyone?
The procedure does not yield the same results in everyone. The extent to which the color will lighten depends on the structure of the tooth and its original color.
What are the Side Effects of Teeth Whitening?
The most significant side effect of teeth whitening is sensitivity. The whitening gel used during the procedure may cause sensitivity, which can be uncomfortable for the patient when exposed to hot and cold drinks and air. This sensitivity is expected to disappear within 24 to 48 hours. If it does not go away, discontinuation of whitening gel use may be necessary.
In addition, in cases of sensitivity, the dentist applies fluoride. At the same time, toothpaste and creams recommended by the dentist are used. These provide some relief. There is no other significant side effect of the procedure.
Now that we have answered the question of what teeth whitening is, let's examine how long it lasts...
How Long Does Teeth Whitening Last?

Those who want to have the teeth whitening procedure done should know that the procedure lasts for a certain period of time. How long does teeth whitening last?
The results obtained from the whitening procedure and the duration of the procedure vary from person to person. The changes in tooth color and structure of individuals are the main reasons for these differences, and proper dental care is also crucial after the procedure.
During and after whitening, one should avoid colored foods for at least two weeks. Proper oral and dental hygiene is essential, and if done correctly, the duration of the procedure can be extended to up to 2 years. The duration of the procedure generally ranges from 6 months to 2 years.
Finally, let's answer other questions related to the question of what teeth whitening is...
How Much Are Teeth Whitening Prices in Izmir?
Teeth whitening prices are determined by the Turkish Dental Association (TDA) like other dental treatments. The TDA price list is the same as the base fee throughout Turkey. Price differences are due to the price policies of the clinics.
Teeth whitening prices in Izmir are as follows:
- Vital Teeth Whitening (Up to 4 Teeth) Material Fee Excluded: 13 £
- Devital Single Tooth Whitening Per Session: 16 £
- Teeth Whitening Price for a Single Jaw: 78 £