You may be curious about how long root canal treatment takes, whether it causes pain, and how long the discomfort lasts. Let's answer all these questions together.

Tooth decay is a common problem for everyone. In some cases, decay can progress to the roots of the teeth. As a result, the dentist cleans the decay with root canal treatment by reaching into the tooth root. After briefly defining root canal treatment, let's clarify how long it takes.

Duration of Root Canal Treatment for a Single Tooth

When the nerves inside the teeth become inflamed, it can cause unbearable pain. In such cases, the tissue inside the tooth is removed, and the canal is cleaned. Root canal treatment is performed in cases of deep decay and inflammation. So, how long does root canal treatment take?

Generally, this procedure takes between 30-60 minutes. For those asking how many minutes it takes for one tooth root canal treatment, it is usually completed within this range. However, in some cases, a more challenging treatment process may extend the procedure. Since everyone's tooth and tooth root structure may differ, the duration of this treatment can vary from person to person.

If you want to gather information about your own teeth and plan your treatment process, you can contact us and take advantage of our free examination service. For more detailed information about root canal treatment and its cost, you can also check our article "What is Root Canal Treatment? How is it Done?"

How Many Days Does Root Canal Treatment Take?

If you are curious about how long root canal treatment takes, this procedure is generally completed in one hour for a single tooth. Recovery occurs within two to three days. In the first few days, you may feel sensitivity in your gums and tooth. Over time, this discomfort will pass, and you can continue your life comfortably.

If you are wondering how many days root canal treatment takes, the treatment is completed in one day. After the treatment, you can ensure a healthy recovery by paying attention for a few days.

Pain After Root Canal Treatment

Pain after root canal treatment is quite normal. There may be sensitivity in the teeth and gums. Typically, these pains completely disappear within a short period. If the pain persists after a certain time, it indicates a problem with the treatment. Therefore, if you continue to feel pain after root canal treatment, it is advisable to consult with your dentist.

We have answered how long root canal treatment takes and briefly explained the process. Now let's share our research on how many years root canal treatment lasts. When root canal treatment is done well and correctly, it can be used for a lifetime. The dentist performing the root canal treatment is crucial in this regard. In addition, your care and attention to your teeth determine how long the treatment will last.

If you are feeling pain in your teeth or tooth roots, you can contact us. You can plan the treatment process with the free examination service provided by our expert dentists.