The Izmir teeth whitening procedure is performed for patients with color changes in their teeth. Changes in tooth color can lead to a lack of self-confidence in individuals. If you are suffering from this problem, you can learn all the details of the whitening process from our article.

The whitening process is divided into three categories: in-clinic treatment, at-home treatment, or laser treatment. The prices and duration of treatments depend on the color and structure of the individual's teeth. In our article, we have explained this process in detail. For any remaining questions you may have, you can contact us, and take advantage of our free examination service to detect the color irregularities in your teeth.

Izmir Teeth Whitening Cost

For Izmir teeth whitening, you can apply to private clinics or state hospitals in Izmir. You can choose a place you trust and have your treatment done. However, since teeth whitening is a relatively new procedure in state hospitals in Izmir, not every hospital may perform this procedure. It is recommended to obtain detailed information from the hospital beforehand.

By calling our clinic or contacting us via email, you can consult us about all your questions regarding your dental treatment and problems. Our expert team will be in touch with you for any kind of treatment service.

Let's examine the Izmir teeth whitening prices taken from the TDB (Turkish Dental Association) page using the table for price information.

ProcedurePrice (excluding VAT)Price (including VAT)
Single Tooth Vital Teeth Whitening16 £18 £
Single Tooth Devital Teeth Whitening20 £22 £
Full Mouth Teeth Whitening98 £108 £

Teeth whitening prices, as of 2023, are generally determined by the Turkish Dental Association and may vary from clinic to clinic. For more detailed information about teeth whitening prices, you can check our recommended content. If you still have question marks in your mind and want to get information, you can also contact us.

Izmir State Teeth Whitening

There are many clinics and hospitals in Izmir for teeth whitening. You can choose from these based on patient satisfaction and reviews. In addition, it is recommended to make an appointment in advance and inform your doctor about your problem. Let's list the best oral and dental health centers in Izmir for those who want to have a teeth whitening procedure together.

Here are the best dental hospitals in Izmir:

  1. Konak Dental Education and Research Hospital
  2. Izmir Education Dental Hospital
  3. Karşıyaka Oral and Dental Health Center
  4. Alsancak Oral and Dental Health Center
  5. Bornova Oral and Dental Health Center

Since teeth whitening is an aesthetic intervention, it was not performed in state hospitals in the past. Now, this procedure has begun to be performed in some state hospitals. Therefore, this procedure may not be performed in every dental hospital. Although our recommended dental hospitals are among the best state oral and dental health centers in Izmir, it is advisable to inquire about the procedure before being sure.

Permanent Teeth Whitening in Izmir

Teeth whitening in Izmir can be performed in different hospitals and clinics. Treatment methods, prices, and the process can vary depending on different clinics. The result of the whitening process can lead to a whitening of up to 10 shades in the teeth. It is a treatment that generally takes a few weeks. So what are the teeth whitening methods and how are they applied, let's briefly mention.

  1. In-Clinic Teeth Whitening:

In this treatment, the dentist first protects the soft tissues with a light-curing material. Then, a whitening gel is applied to the teeth to assist in whitening. This gel is activated by light. The procedure can be repeated at intervals of a few weeks.

  1. Teeth Whitening with At-Home Treatment:

In this treatment, the dentist first takes measurements of the person's teeth and sends them to the laboratory. A transparent plate is prepared for the person with these measurements. Whitening gel is applied to the plate at night, and the person uses the plate overnight. With a one or two-week treatment, the teeth reach the desired whiteness.

  1. Laser Teeth Whitening:

It is possible to whiten your teeth very quickly with laser. First, the dentist isolates the soft tissues in the mouth and then applies laser treatment for 3-4 minutes. At the end of this process, the whitening process is completed.

For more details on these procedures and details, you can also check our recommended content. If you want to get more detailed information about the whitening process and prices, you can contact us. If you have any problems with your teeth or want to have a check-up, you can also benefit from our free examination service provided by our expert dentists.

To get more information about aesthetic dental treatments and our Hollywood Smile service, you can visit our page."