During pregnancy, the expectant mother undergoes significant physical and emotional changes. Hormones and eating habits change rapidly during this period. The body becomes more sensitive to bacteria, leading to dental problems during pregnancy.

During this time, it is crucial for the individual to pay much more attention to oral health. Neglecting oral health during pregnancy can make toothaches challenging for the person.

When does toothache during pregnancy begin? What are the treatment methods? Let's explore...

Why Does Toothache Occur During Pregnancy?

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hamilelikte diş ağrısı neden olur

During pregnancy, the expectant mother undergoes a period of intense physical and psychological changes. These changes affect oral health, making the already challenging pregnancy process even more difficult.

Why does toothache occur during pregnancy? Let's examine:

  • Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy can lead to neglect of oral health. This condition allows bacteria to multiply in the mouth, resulting in toothaches.
  • During pregnancy, the most significant changes are observed in estrogen and progesterone hormones. This leads to complications in toothaches during pregnancy.
  • Due to hormonal changes, the gums become more sensitive during pregnancy. This sensitivity can be felt throughout the body.
  • The oral mucosa also becomes more sensitive during pregnancy. This worsens cavities in teeth and causes intense pain. Therefore, in planned pregnancies, dental problems such as cavities should be resolved in advance.
  • Another cause of toothache during pregnancy is calcium deficiency. The baby needs calcium for healthy growth in the mother's womb. If the mother does not consume enough calcium, toothaches can occur due to calcium deficiency in the teeth.

So, what can help with toothache during pregnancy? Expectant mothers often prefer natural methods of treatment due to fear of using antibiotics during pregnancy.

What Helps with Toothache During Pregnancy?

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hamilelikte diş ağrısı nasıl geçer

The treatment of toothache during pregnancy varies depending on the month of pregnancy and the severity of the pain.

Our advice is to visit a dentist before pregnancy and address any potential issues before they arise. This is primarily because treatment options are limited if a problem occurs during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, X-rays are not recommended due to radiation exposure. Since the patient's condition cannot be thoroughly analyzed, drug treatments are not highly possible. Therefore, more natural treatment methods are tried.

The following suggestions can be made for what helps with toothache during pregnancy:

  1. Gargle: Gargling with warm saltwater twice a day is recommended as it does not harm health during pregnancy.
  2. Brushing and Flossing: Oral care should never be neglected because teeth and gums are more sensitive during pregnancy. The affected area should be brushed with a soft toothbrush and then completely cleaned with dental floss.
  3. Cold Compress: Another natural treatment method for those experiencing toothache during pregnancy is applying a cold compress to the affected area every five minutes.

Dental treatment is not recommended in the first 3 months of pregnancy. This period, from 0 to 3 months, is a critical period of rapid development for the baby. Dental treatment under the supervision of a doctor is recommended in the 3-6 month period of pregnancy.

WARNING: Drug use is not recommended outside of dental check-ups. Incorrect use of drugs during pregnancy can endanger the baby's health. Therefore, we strongly recommend seeing a dentist as soon as your toothache begins.

When Does Toothache Start During Pregnancy?

It is not universally true that every pregnant woman will experience toothaches. Regular check-ups before and during pregnancy can prevent toothaches.

In general, toothaches during pregnancy typically start around the 8th week. Although toothaches during pregnancy can be expressed in this way, in some cases, they may start earlier.

Therefore, regardless of when you start experiencing toothache problems, it is essential to undergo professional medical examination.

Which Vitamin Deficiency Causes Toothache During Pregnancy?

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Hamilelikte Diş Ağrısı İçin İlaç

Toothache during pregnancy can generally develop due to a vitamin deficiency, but it can also have different causes. Therefore, it is crucial to first identify the cause by a specialist doctor.

Toothache during pregnancy that develops due to vitamin deficiency may be related to the following vitamins:

Toothaches during pregnancy are often caused by a lack of vitamin D. Vitamin D is crucial for both maternal and fetal development, especially for oral and dental health. Vitamin supplements can be applied during the treatment stage. However, this should be done under the guidance of a doctor.

Medication Recommendations for Toothache During Pregnancy

After a thorough examination by a specialist doctor, medication supplementation may be considered for toothaches during pregnancy. However, your doctor will determine which medication is suitable based on the current situation.

Medication treatment for toothache during pregnancy is as follows:

Generally, painkiller treatment is applied. However, painkillers can only be used with the approval of a specialist doctor during pregnancy. Therefore, which medication to prefer and when to use it should be entirely determined by your doctor. During this process, avoid using medication without undergoing a medical examination.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is dental scaling done during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the eating habits of the expectant mother change. During this process, attention should be paid to brushing and using dental floss. In addition to these, regular dental scaling can also be performed.

What helps with toothache during pregnancy?

Gargling, cold compress, regular brushing, and flossing are effective for toothaches during pregnancy.

Does toothache during pregnancy harm the baby?

Treatment under the supervision of a dentist can be performed between the 3rd and 6th months of pregnancy. Diagnosing and treating toothaches at the right time during pregnancy does not harm the baby.

Can root canal treatment be performed while pregnant?

Root canal treatment can be applied to prevent tooth loss due to decay in teeth. There is no harm in performing root canal treatment during pregnancy. Root canal treatment can be applied at any stage of pregnancy.

How should we eat for dental health during pregnancy?

Diet is crucial during pregnancy. Eating habits during this period affect both the mother's and the baby's dental health. The expectant mother should consume foods rich in vitamins A, C, D, phosphorus, and calcium without exaggeration.

Can a tooth be extracted while pregnant?

Essential tooth extractions are recommended to be done between the 3rd and 6th months of pregnancy. Non-urgent tooth extractions can be postponed until after childbirth.

Why does gum pain occur during pregnancy?

Gums become more sensitive during pregnancy, leading to swelling and retraction of the gums. Swelling in the gums can be due to both sensitivity and the formation of a dental abscess. Therefore, when you feel gum pain, you should see a dentist.