The question "What is a stem cell implant?" is a topic frequently researched by individuals facing dental issues. Dental implants are a type of treatment replacing lost or damaged teeth. Before undergoing dental implantation, a thorough examination by a dentist is essential.

Dental implants are generally used to replace lost or damaged teeth. One significant challenge in dental implant procedures is the absence of sufficient jawbone. The lack of enough bone to create an implant socket complicates the process. In such cases, stem cell implants are preferred to enhance the success of bone-related procedures during implantation.

Elements in a person's blood function as stem cells, which play a role in creating the building blocks for all tissues in the body. Stem cells, obtained from the individual's own blood, act as a natural healing agent, expediting the recovery process for wounds or injuries.

PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin) and PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)

Platelet Rich Plasma, abbreviated as PRF, is plasma derived from platelet cells in the blood. Platelet cells are responsible for blood clotting, repairing damaged tissues in the body, and contain growth factors. The goal of stem cell treatment with PRF is to facilitate rapid healing. PRF contains numerous cells rich in growth factors, which are delivered to the patient's injured or damaged area through the bloodstream, accelerating tissue healing.

How Is Stem Cell Implant Done?

The question of "How is stem cell implant done?" is commonly encountered. This treatment is more natural compared to other dental implant procedures. Let's outline the steps of stem cell implant treatment:

  1. Blood is taken from the patient to create PRF.
  2. The collected blood is transformed into a concentration of platelets using a special medical centrifuge machine.
  3. Membranes rich in white blood cells and blood vessel growth-promoting substances are produced from the platelet concentration.
  4. These membranes are then placed in the area where the patient needs healing.

Who Can Receive Stem Cell Implant?

Let's answer the question of who can receive stem cell implants. This treatment is preferred by individuals experiencing tooth loss or dental damage. It is a natural and fast-healing process because stem cells are created from the patient's own blood. The procedure is suitable for most patients due to the minimal risk of complications, and it is more commonly performed on individuals aged 12 and above.

Advantages of Stem Cell Implant

Stem cell implant treatment is one of the preferred types of dental implant therapies. Let's explore the advantages of stem cell implants compared to other dental implant types:

  • Easier healing process compared to other implant treatments.
  • Better bone formation is achieved.
  • No immune system reaction as it is derived from the patient's own blood.
  • Non-toxic due to its natural origin.
  • Rapid cessation of bleeding in the treated area.
  • Increases the success rate of the treatment.
  • PRF produced from blood quickly repairs and grows gum and bone in the treated area.

For more detailed information about stem cell implants and all treatments, feel free to contact us and take advantage of our free consultation services at our clinic.