Teeth whitening cost is among the concerns of many individuals experiencing aesthetic issues. For those deciding on teeth whitening, we have compiled information on how much this procedure will cost in 2024.

In this content, you will also find answers to the questions of what teeth whitening is and how it is done. Teeth whitening has become a popular choice for many people in recent years.

How Much is Teeth Whitening? Teeth Whitening Prices

Diş Beyazlatma Nasıl Yapılır?
Diş Beyazlatma Nasıl Yapılır?

The cost of teeth whitening can vary in Turkey depending on different factors. These factors include the choice of dental clinic or dentist, the whitening method used, and the duration of the procedure.

Teeth whitening can be performed in different ways. The most commonly used methods in our country are home-type whitening and laser teeth whitening. The cost of teeth whitening varies depending on the permanence and effectiveness of the procedure.

  • Home-type teeth whitening cost may vary from clinic to clinic but is generally around 118 £.
  • Laser teeth whitening, being a more permanent and effective solution, has an average cost of 183 £.
  • These prices can increase with the number of sessions required. For accurate information on fees, the dentist needs to assess the structure of the teeth.

Teeth whitening costs may differ from city to city, and even from district to district. Generally, higher prices are observed in cities such as Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir. Therefore, there is a wide range of fees for teeth whitening nationwide.

Teeth Whitening Prices 2024 - TDB Price List!

Diş Beyazlatma Nedir?
Diş Beyazlatma Nedir?

Teeth Whitening and Other Oral Care Fees are determined annually by the Turkish Dental Association (TDB). These specified fees are sent to oral and dental clinics.

Clinics have the opportunity to create their own pricing policies based on the announced fees each year. Therefore, teeth whitening fees can vary from clinic to clinic.

The Turkish Dental Association has determined teeth whitening fees, taking into account the condition of the teeth. Whether the tooth is alive or has undergone canal treatment causes variations in fees.

The teeth whitening cost in 2024 is as follows: (table)

Procedure Price (%10 VAT included) Vital Teeth Whitening Prices 26 £ Devital Teeth Whitening Cost 33 £ Single Jaw Teeth Whitening Price 155 £ Let's move on to the details for teeth whitening prices...

1- Vital Teeth Whitening Prices

Whitening (bleaching) procedures can be applied to live teeth (vital teeth).

The cost of vital teeth whitening for a single tooth, up to a maximum of 4 teeth, is 24 £ excluding VAT; including VAT, it is 26 £. Material cost is not included in these fees.

2- Devital Teeth Whitening Cost

Teeth whitening treatment can also be applied after canal treatment, known as devital teeth whitening.

The price for devital teeth whitening, also known as teeth whitening after canal treatment, is 30 £ excluding VAT per session; including VAT, it is 33 £. Filling material cost is not included in these fees.

3- Single Jaw Teeth Whitening Price

Teeth whitening prices can be determined based on the jaw. The price for single jaw teeth whitening is as follows:

The cost for single jaw teeth whitening (bleaching) is 141 £ excluding VAT; including VAT, it is 155 £. Material costs are excluded from these prices. The process of single jaw teeth whitening may be spread across multiple sessions when necessary.

What is Teeth Whitening? How is it Done?

Diş Beyazlatma fiyatları
Diş Beyazlatma fiyatları

Teeth whitening refers to various procedures aimed at restoring teeth that have changed color over time to their original state. The goal is to eliminate stains on the teeth and factors causing discoloration.

Several methods can be used in teeth whitening procedures. The whitening process is carried out in the following stages:

  • Barrier Application: In applications on live teeth, a barrier application is initially performed to protect against various adverse effects.
  • Agent Application: Subsequently, with the preparation of a chemical agent, an adequate application of the agent is made to the tooth surfaces.
  • Light Application: Following this, protective goggles are placed on the patient, and with the help of light, the teeth are whitened.

The cost of teeth whitening will vary based on the number and type of these procedures.

How Many Tones Do Teeth Lighten in the Whitening Process?

After providing information about teeth whitening costs, let's also talk about how many tones teeth lighten in the whitening process.

Teeth can lighten up to 4-5 tones after the whitening process. This variation depends on the structure of the teeth and the type of procedure performed.

Whitening procedures are more challenging for individuals with green-gray tones in their teeth, while those with yellow tones may experience immediate whitening. After an examination by your dentist, you can get clear information about how many tones your teeth will lighten.

How Long Does the Teeth Whitening Process Take?

Diş Beyazlatma Hangi Durumlarda Yapılmaz?
Diş Beyazlatma Hangi Durumlarda Yapılmaz?

A topic as important as the teeth whitening cost 2024 list is how long the process takes. Here are the details...

The duration of teeth whitening is proportional to the area to be whitened. The process of whitening a single tooth can take 2-5 minutes. Procedures for half of the jaw can take up to 10-15 minutes, while the time required to whiten all teeth can extend to 20-25 minutes.

In cases where the doctor deems it necessary, the teeth whitening process can be carried out in multiple sessions. This implies that the process may take several hours.

Teeth whitening costs, in some cases, are determined per session, making the duration significant

for pricing.

Is the Teeth Whitening Process Permanent?

Dişler Beyazlığını Neden Kaybeder?
Dişler Beyazlığını Neden Kaybeder?

Individuals undergoing teeth whitening wonder how permanent the process is. The permanence of the teeth whitening process can vary from person to person.

Some individuals are more prone to quick tooth discoloration. Therefore, the effects of the procedure may diminish after a few months. However, on average, we can say that the teeth whitening process is permanent for about 1.5 - 2 years.

Now that we've learned about the teeth whitening cost, what about things to be mindful of after the whitening procedure? Let's examine...

Post-Teeth Whitening Care: What to Consider?

Those seeking information about teeth whitening cost are also curious about what should be done after the procedure.

After teeth whitening, it is recommended to avoid consuming foods and beverages that can stain the teeth for approximately 3-4 weeks. It is advisable to stay away from tea, coffee, and foods or drinks containing food coloring. Paying attention to diet and beverages will impact the permanence of the teeth whitening process.

During the teeth whitening procedure, no harm is done to the teeth. On the contrary, a feeling of freshness and cleanliness is achieved in the mouth. Therefore, individuals who undergo the teeth whitening process seem to be satisfied with the results.