Bad breath is a highly disturbing condition for many people and affects one's social life. When asking why bad breath occurs, there can be various answers.

The most common cause of bad breath is the inability to maintain proper oral hygiene. The combination of bacteria and food residues in the mouth leads to the formation of plaque and tartar, resulting in an increasingly unpleasant odor for the individual.

If bad breath persists even with proper oral hygiene, it may be due to different types of diseases. In this case, consulting a healthcare professional is the most appropriate action. How to get rid of bad breath? Here is the answer...

What is Bad Breath?

Bad breath can be defined as an unpleasant odor occurring in the mouth and throat area. While the bad breath people feel upon waking up in the morning is temporary, bad breath caused by plaque and bacteria inside the mouth can be more persistent.

Understanding the reasons for bad breath is crucial to take appropriate treatment methods and preventive measures to overcome this discomfort. Before asking why bad breath occurs, you need to fully understand the topic.

Let's continue explaining the details...

What Causes Bad Breath? What Are the Reasons?

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ağız kokusu sebepleri

Bad breath can result from various reasons, not just related to oral hygiene. The type and quality of the food you eat throughout the day significantly affect your breath.

Uncleaned teeth and food residues on the tongue can lead to the formation of bacteria and eventually cause an unpleasant odor in the mouth.

Regular brushing of teeth, using dental floss, and gargling can help eliminate the unpleasant breath. The fundamental answer to why bad breath occurs is inadequate care.

If you have a persistent odor in your mouth, you may have gum disease. In this case, you should consult a dentist and start treatment.

The reasons for bad breath can be listed as follows:

  • Dentures
  • Decayed or broken teeth
  • Tobacco and alcohol products
  • Tonsillitis
  • Diabetes
  • Dry mouth
  • Kidney disease
  • Diseases in the stomach and intestines
  • Medications
  • Oral infections
  • Liver failure
  • Sinusitis
  • Pharyngitis

In summary, the reasons for bad breath are as mentioned above.

How to Get Rid of Bad Breath?

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Ağız Kokusu

We've learned why bad breath occurs. Now, how to get rid of it? Here is the answer...

Bad breath often goes away when oral hygiene is maintained. If you are wondering what to do to get rid of bad breath, you can examine the following bad breath remedies. How to get rid of bad breath, here is the answer:

  • Regularly brushing your teeth: The first step to getting rid of bad breath is to brush your teeth regularly. After every meal during the day and before bedtime, you should brush your teeth with a soft toothbrush for at least two minutes to remove bacteria and food residues from the mouth.
  • Tongue cleaning: The tongue is often overlooked in oral hygiene. However, just like food residues stick to our teeth and gums, they also stick to our tongue. You can use a tongue cleaner or the back of your toothbrush to clean these bacteria on the tongue.
  • Using dental floss: Brushing alone is not enough for oral hygiene. You can use dental floss to clean residues in places that your toothbrush cannot reach and prevent bad breath.
  • Drinking plenty of water: Consuming enough water helps prevent dry mouth and its associated odor. One of the answers to why bad breath occurs is not drinking enough water.
  • Gargling: Gargling for bad breath can help eliminate unpleasant odors in the mouth.
  • Paying attention to diet: Sweet and starchy foods create an environment for bacteria to multiply in the mouth. Reduce the consumption of sweets and starches and focus on eating vegetables and fruits.
  • Not smoking: Smoking causes many health problems, including bad breath. Quitting smoking is essential for both overall body and oral health.

If you strictly follow the above steps and still cannot get rid of bad breath, consult your dentist.

Bad Breath Treatment

We have completed the topic of why bad breath occurs. Now we can move on to the treatment stages. First and foremost, you should seek assistance from a dentist for bad breath treatment. The dentist, by examining your condition, will determine the most suitable treatment for you.

If bad breath is caused by a tooth decay, dental treatment can be planned accordingly. In addition, the following elements may be present in the treatment:

  • Mouthwashes
  • Toothpaste
  • Treatment of Dental Disease

In essence, the treatment process is completed in this way. However, for bad breath treatment caused by problems in various areas such as the stomach, kidneys, and intestines, you may need to visit different departments.

After the question of why bad breath occurs, let's move on to preventive measures...

How to Prevent Bad Breath?

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Ağız Kokusu Neden Olur

Bad breath can be prevented when you carefully monitor your dental health. However, certain procedures need to be performed regularly for this. For the question of how to prevent bad breath, the following advice is given:

  • Consuming fluids (water) frequently and abundantly is very effective in preventing bad breath.
  • Also, not staying hungry for long periods prevents bad breath. Therefore, you need to eat regularly.
  • Nuts such as walnuts, spices like cinnamon, peanuts, as well as foods like cucumber, parsley, and apples prevent bad breath.
  • Finally, you can also use herbal tea under medical supervision.

It is necessary to add that you need to perform care procedures such as brushing your teeth and using dental floss regularly in addition to all these recommendations.