Individuals experiencing tooth loss due to breakage or decay often wonder about the pricing system for prosthetic dental treatment. Prosthetic teeth can quickly alleviate the discomfort caused by the loss of one or more teeth. The prices for prosthetic teeth are determined by the Turkish Dental Association (TDB).
In this content, you will also find answers to the question of what dental prostheses are. We have also explained how prosthetic teeth are made. The prices of prosthetic teeth are crucial for individuals experiencing this discomfort and seeking treatment.
Prosthetic teeth prices; for many people, it emerges as a topic of curiosity. The prices of removable teeth for 2024 are significantly influenced by inflation rates. You can review the most up-to-date prices in our table.
Prosthetic Tooth Prices 2024 - CURRENT TDB PRICE LIST!
Prosthetic Tooth Prices The prices of prosthetic teeth for 2024 have been announced by the Turkish Dental Association. All prices for dental treatments are determined by the TDB.
The prices of prosthetic teeth for 2024 are determined as follows:
- Type of Prosthesis | Including 10% VAT
- Full Prosthesis (Acrylic - Single Jaw): 390 £
- Partial Prosthesis (Acrylic - Single Jaw): 378 £
- Full Prosthesis (Reinforced with Cast Metal - Single Jaw): 504 £
- Partial Prosthesis (Reinforced with Cast Metal - Single Jaw): 497 £
- Prosthesis with Precision Attachments (Single Jaw): 527 £
- Implant-Supported Removable Prostheses: 484 £
- Temporary Prosthesis (Acrylic - Single Jaw): 314 £
- Addition of a Tooth (Single Tooth): 57 £
- Repair: 63 £
Regarding removable denture models and prices, the following comments can be made:
Is Prosthetic Tooth Treatment Expensive?
The prices of prosthetic dental treatment have become a matter of curiosity for those in need of this treatment. Individuals in need of prosthetic teeth try to seek assistance from specialized doctors for this treatment. Tooth loss or tooth deficiency is a health problem that significantly reduces the quality of life for individuals.
The prices of prosthetic teeth are considered expensive by some individuals. The pricing system varies depending on the quality of the prosthetic material used by the doctor. The type of material used in making prosthetic teeth also has a significant impact on the pricing system.
Whether prosthetic dental treatment is expensive or not varies depending on the income level of individuals. However, getting prosthetic teeth is one of the necessary treatments for individuals from all walks of life. Therefore, individuals in need of prosthetic dental treatment strive to get treated quickly.
What is the Cost of Getting Removable Teeth?
The cost of removable teeth or prosthetic dental treatment has a pricing system that varies according to different conditions. Applying porcelain coating treatment is necessary to prevent the teeth from breaking due to loss of function or decay. The quality of the porcelain material used in this treatment significantly affects prosthetic tooth prices.
Removable teeth for the entire mouth are more expensive compared to single tooth coatings. In this treatment, the quality of the material used determines the pricing system. Individuals who want higher quality removable teeth often prefer prostheses reinforced with cast metal.
Prostheses reinforced with cast metal are generally more expensive than acrylic prostheses.
Factors Affecting Prosthetic Tooth Prices
When determining prosthetic tooth prices, the following factors are taken into account:
- The most important factor affecting prosthetic tooth prices is the features of the treatment to be applied.
- Factors such as the doctor's expertise, the material used, etc., are crucial.
- Additionally, whether the treatment is applied in a private hospital or a public hospital also affects the pricing system.
What is a Dental Prosthesis?
A dental prosthesis, commonly known as a removable denture, is designed to replace lost teeth due to various reasons. It is custom-made to restore the lost tooth for an individual.
Having at least one tooth loss is sufficient for the application of this treatment. However, prosthetic dental treatment is often sought when there is more than one tooth loss. The prices of dental prostheses vary from clinic to clinic.
How are Prosthetic Teeth Made?
Prosthetic teeth are specially designed and prepared according to the patient's current situation and personal needs. The production considers the structure of the missing tooth, what should be, and the needs of the individual. Ease of use is a priority, and the color of the patient's bone is also considered in the preparation of prosthetic teeth.
Before getting prosthetic teeth, a doctor's examination is necessary. Afterward, measurements of the mouth, teeth, and other relevant conditions are taken. The best design is created, and the production phase begins. In the following stages, the prosthesis is placed in the missing tooth areas.
Types of Prosthetic Teeth
Prosthetic teeth types are determined by the type of material and design. Although there are many types of prosthetic teeth, the most commonly used ones are:
- Fixed Dental Prosthetics
- Zirconium
- Laminate
- Removable Dental Prosthetics
- Total Prosthetics
- Partial Prosthetics
- Immediate Prosthetics
- Implant-Supported Prosthetics
Prosthetic tooth prices are crucial for these types, and the fee for each type will vary.
Which is the Best Removable Denture?
For many people wanting to get removable dentures, there's one question on their minds: Which is the best removable denture? Let's share what we know about this...
Firstly, when determining the quality of removable dentures, the focus should be on material quality and treatment. Therefore, when determining the best removable denture, it is essential to focus directly on the quality of the material.
Although there are many types of prosthetic teeth available today, implant prosthetic applications provide more successful results. Therefore, implant-supported prosthetic teeth are considered higher quality compared to other types.
Prosthetic Dental Treatment's Effects on Oral Health Oral Health and Prosthetic Tooth Prices Regularly monitoring oral health has positive effects on general health. Dietary habits, the digestive system, and mental health are significantly influenced by oral care and the preservation of oral health.
Oral health can be harmed by tooth problems such as decay and others. Conditions like decay and breakage can lead to tooth loss. Individuals experiencing tooth loss due to any reason see a significant decrease in their quality of life.
Prosthetic dental treatment is defined as a medical process applied to individuals experiencing tooth loss. Thanks to prosthetic teeth, it is possible to restore the functions of lost teeth. Individuals undergoing prosthetic dental treatment can regain their dietary habits and increase their quality of life in this regard.
It can be said that prosthetic tooth prices are slightly higher than other treatment fees. So, does getting prosthetic teeth have advantages? If so, what are they? Let's examine...
Advantages of Getting Prosthetic Teeth
Getting prosthetic teeth has many advantages that increase the quality of life for patients. The nature of these advantages varies depending on the quality level of the treatment applied. The general advantages of getting prosthetic teeth are as follows:
- Problems related to nutrition due to tooth loss are eliminated.
- The discomfort caused by missing teeth is alleviated.
- Increased self-confidence is achieved through aesthetic appearance.
- Beautiful smiles become possible with prosthetic teeth.
- Prosthetic dental treatment prevents negative situations such as cheek collapse in areas where teeth are missing.
Please note: Prosthetic tooth prices are also related to the number of missing teeth. The more missing teeth you have, the higher the fee you will pay.
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