All On 6 Implant" is a method of dental implant surgery, involving the placement of a total of 6 implants at specific angles tailored to a patient's single jaw with bone loss. Following the All On 6 implant procedure, the patient is provided with a fixed prosthetic tooth, allowing them to regain chewing functions and achieve a beautiful smile. In this article, we aim to provide a detailed explanation of the All On 6 treatment.

What is All On 6 Implant?

All On 6 is a method of implant surgery designed for patients experiencing tooth or jaw bone loss. The goal of the All On 6 implant treatment is to provide the patient with a much stronger full-mouth prosthesis in a short period. The use of 6 titanium implants placed at specific angles in the jaw allows for a quicker treatment process.

In traditional implant treatments, a patient experiencing significant tooth loss in a single jaw may require 8 to 10 implants. However, with the All On 6 implants placed at specific angles with the assistance of an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, 6 implants are sufficient to restore a single jaw and achieve a full-mouth smile. The All On 6 treatment can be applied to both jaws if necessary.

The All On 6 treatment is a two-stage process, requiring a minimum of 3 months to complete. In the first stage, implants are placed in the patient's single or double jaw. Subsequently, a minimum of 3 months is needed for the implants to fuse with the jawbone. During this period, the patient is provided with temporary prosthetic teeth to prevent damage to the implants during the healing process and to facilitate the patient's ability to eat comfortably.

All On 6 Implant Technique

all on 6 implant
all on 6 implant

The key feature that distinguishes All On 6 implants from traditional implant treatments is their specific locations within the oral cavity.

  • Before starting the treatment, the patient undergoes an examination by the doctor. This may involve panoramic X-rays or 3D tomography to examine the nerves and teeth in the jaw more thoroughly and determine the precise locations for the placement of the 6 implants.
  • Once it is determined that the patient is suitable for the All On 6 implant treatment, local anesthesia is applied to the jaw where the implants will be placed. This ensures that the patient does not feel pain during the procedure.
  • After anesthesia, the procedure begins. Six implants are placed in a single jaw with specific angles (if All On 6 is applied to both upper and lower jaws, a total of 12 implants are used).
  • After the implant surgery, the patient is provided with temporary prosthetic teeth. This allows the patient to maintain their aesthetic appearance and eat more comfortably.
  • The patient must wait for a minimum of 3 months after receiving temporary teeth. During this period, the implants fuse with the jawbone and strengthen.
  • Once enough time has passed, the patient returns to the clinic. The patient's oral measurements are taken, and the process of preparing the permanent prosthesis begins. The preparation of this prosthesis takes between 7 to 10 days.

You can find detailed information about the Prosthesis Procedure on our Services page.

Advantages of All On 6 Treatment

All On 6 implant treatment offers several advantages compared to traditional implant treatments:

  1. Cost-Effective: All On 6 treatment is less expensive than treatments like All On 4 implant.
  2. Quick Completion: The treatment is completed in a shorter time.
  3. May Eliminate the Need for Additional Procedures: For patients with advanced bone loss, procedures like sinus lifting or bone grafting may not be necessary.
  4. Durable Prosthetics: Permanent prosthetics are much stronger, eliminating the need for removal.
  5. Natural Biting Function: Biting functions similar to natural teeth can be easily achieved.
  6. Longevity: With proper care, the teeth can last up to 20 years.
  7. High Success Rate: The success rate of the treatment is high.

Post-All On 6 Implant Care Tips

all on 6 dental implants turkey
all on 6 dental implants turkey

To recover quickly and eliminate the risk of failure after All On 6 implant treatment, it is recommended to pay attention to the following:

  1. Use a tampon to stop bleeding: Use the tampon provided by the doctor to stop any bleeding in the mouth that may occur within the first day after surgery.
  2. Consume soft foods for a while: Avoid consuming excessively hard foods during the first 3 months after implant treatment to allow for proper fusion of the implants to the jawbone.
  3. Do not eat or drink in the first 2 hours after surgery: Avoid consuming anything for the first 2 hours after the procedure due to the lingering effects of local anesthesia, which may cause unintentional biting of the lip, cheek, or tongue.
  4. Use prescribed painkillers, antibiotics, and mouthwash: Follow the doctor's instructions and take the prescribed medications regularly for pain relief, infection prevention, and oral hygiene.
  5. Avoid smoking and alcohol: Both smoking and alcohol can delay the healing process, so it's recommended to refrain from using them for a certain period before and after the implant surgery.
  6. Apply ice: Apply ice to the jaw at regular intervals to reduce swelling and bruising that may occur after All On 6 surgery. Avoid keeping the ice on your face for extended periods to prevent skin burns. Swelling and bruising should subside after a short period.
  7. Attend follow-up appointments: Regular check-ups with the doctor are essential to ensure the longevity and proper functioning of the implant and prosthesis. Visit your dentist every 6 months.

All On 6 Implant Cost

The cost of All On 6 implants can vary based on factors such as the implant brand, the type of prosthesis, and the use of bone powder. Prices may also differ between acrylic and porcelain prosthetics.

The cost of All On 6 for a single jaw typically ranges between 2.300 £ and 3.725 £ TL.

For a detailed treatment plan and accurate pricing, please contact us through our Contact page.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the lifespan of All On 6 implants?

The lifespan of All On 6 implants can extend up to 20 years when following the dentist's instructions and maintaining regular oral care.

Who can undergo All On 6 treatment?

All On 6 treatment may not be suitable for every patient. Therefore, a doctor's examination is necessary. Patients with diabetes or chronic conditions may face obstacles in undergoing this surgery. After a doctor's evaluation, anyone deemed suitable for the procedure can undergo All On 6 treatment. There is no upper age limit for the treatment.